Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Life Long Learner

Isaiah 50:4  The Sovereign Lord has given me a well-instructed tongue to know the word that sustains the weary.  He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed.

God's Word is true, and it will sustain and uphold those who are weary, heavy burdened, grieving, downtrodden, sad, remorseful, repentant, those needing strength to keep on going.  'A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.'  

When I read this verse this morning, my first thought was God hasn't given me a well instructed tongue.  Not me.  God gave me a tongue that stumbles over words, and tells the long way around stories.  I have to make myself get to the point.  Get to the bottom line.  
But this morning, God's Word spoke to my heart that He HAS given me words to speak that will help in times of trouble to those who are weary.  It is His Word that I can speak to encourage my friends, my family, the lonely, those who I come across as I walk through my day.  My teacher, my instructor is the Holy Spirit and He does all things well.  I can share what great things God has done for me, share a Bible verse, and encourage the weary with God inspired words.  
For the last 46 years I have a difficult time sleeping in past 6:00 am.  I'm a morning person, usually up around 4:30-5:30 without an alarm clock.  I love reading, and my favorite book is the Bible.  I read a lot of other books too, but a good day always begins with the Bible.  It's God who has been waking me up to spend time with Him, to learn of Him, to read all about Him - so I can share a well instructed Word to a friend.  Cool.

Thank You for Your Word that sustains the weary.  Fill my mouth with words of encouragement, hope, joy, peace, love, and build others up with the words You have taught me.  Awesome God, thank You for using someone like me to deliver Your message to others who need a lift.  I am a life long learner, an eager student, and a willing teacher all the days of my life.

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